Renewable Energy Blog

How to Become an Eco-Tourist: 12 Easy Travel Tips

Travel and tourism account for 8-11% of total greenhouse gas emissions. Ecotourism has risen in popularity to combat these effects and helps travelers think globally about their environmental impact. Read on to learn how to be an eco-tourist so you can approach every getaway with a commitment to “take only [...]

2025-01-17T10:33:01-05:00May 31st, 2023|

7 Eco-Friendly Ways to Wash Clothes

Looking for ways to become more eco-friendly in your everyday life is a worthwhile challenge. Minor adjustments to your daily routine can leave a profound and lasting impact. But sometimes, the best way to make those changes aren’t clear—and it can be challenging to see the best way to [...]

2025-02-13T17:52:03-05:00November 29th, 2022|

Tips for Purchasing Energy-Saving Products and Smart Appliances

We live in a technological era powered by electricity, and our energy dependence continues to increase. But with that increased use comes increases in our carbon footprint. That’s left many of us looking for ways to reduce our daily energy use. Fortunately, there are many steps we can take [...]

2025-03-14T02:08:05-04:00September 14th, 2022|

Easy & Eco-Friendly: 18 Energy Saving Tips for Summer

Summer is here, and energy prices are rising. This is typical: Prices tend to increase along with usage in the summer and go down in the winter. The cost of electricity is made up of many factors, but the biggest ones are the amount of supply available, building and [...]

2025-03-14T02:17:10-04:00August 19th, 2022|

Why Is Water Conservation Important and How Can I Save?

If you’re looking at a photo of Earth from outer space, you might notice how much water our planet contains. In fact, 71% of the Earth is covered in water, and while that is quite a large sum, something that we need to take into consideration is that roughly 97% of [...]

2025-03-13T20:01:05-04:00July 28th, 2021|

What Is Considered an Energy-Efficient HVAC?

Many homes rely on an HVAC system to maintain comfortable temperatures indoors. But with heating and cooling accounting for as much as half of a household’s total energy expenses, an energy-efficient HVAC system could be very beneficial in the long run. Furthermore, the energy supply in most homes is produced by burning [...]

2025-03-13T17:15:36-04:00July 7th, 2021|

The Three Es of Sustainability

According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA), sustainability is based on a singular principle: “Everything that we need for our survival and well-being depends, either directly or indirectly, on our natural environment. To pursue sustainability is to create and maintain the conditions under which humans and nature can [...]

2025-03-13T17:25:43-04:00April 21st, 2021|

Pros and Cons of Nuclear Energy

Most of us have heard of nuclear energy, but how much do you know about this form of electricity? When you’re presented with the words “nuclear energy”, some of the first images that may pop in your head might be of a nuclear bomb or of an energy crisis [...]

2025-02-17T12:40:06-05:00March 24th, 2021|

How Businesses Can Reduce Paper Waste

How Businesses Can Reduce Paper Waste Even though a good amount of the country has been working remotely for the majority of the COVID-19 pandemic, paper waste remains a significant issue for businesses across different industries. The amount of wood and paper we throw away each year is enough [...]

2025-03-14T02:39:41-04:00November 18th, 2020|

Solar Energy [Here Is the Way It Works]

The sun does more than just providing Earth with light during the daytime. Every photon (or particle of sunlight) that reaches us contains energy to fuel our planet. The sun’s energy is the source responsible for all energy sources on Earth, and for all our weather systems. Today, solar energy is [...]

2025-03-14T02:50:37-04:00September 23rd, 2020|
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