New York and Ohio Environmental Grant

Grant Recommendations

Grants may be recommended from your organization to Kiwi Energy NY LLC via:

  • Hard copy: Fill out the Grant Recommendation sheet and return to Kiwi Energy NY LLC
  • Online: Fill out the Grant Recommendation sheet online via the Kiwi Rewards website. Online applications do not require a hard copy form.

Grant Requests

Kiwi Energy NY LLC has the final authority over the distribution of grants, and must review and approve all grants applications and all recipient organizations.

Recurring Requests

Advisors or Contact to organization may request that a qualified grant be distributed to the proposed charity in multiple payments according to a recommended installation plan.

Eligible charities

The following entities are generally eligible to receive grants from the Kiwi Environmental Fund:

  • U.S charitable organizations that are tax-exempt under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code (“Code”) and are public charities under the section 509 (a) of the Code.
  • Certain tax exempt religious organizations and the education institutions that are not characterized as Code Section 501 (c) (3) organizations.
  • Private operating foundations

The following entities or causes are generally not eligible to receive grants:

  • Individuals and political candidates or parties, lobbying organizations or activities
  • Non-operating private foundations, or type III supporting organizations which are not functionally integrated
  • Pre-existing pledges
  • Private benefit, such as dues, school tuition, membership fees, benefit tickets or goods purchased at a charitable auction