If you’re looking at a photo of Earth from outer space, you might notice how much water our planet contains. In fact, 71% of the Earth is covered in water, and while that is quite a large sum, something that we need to take into consideration is that roughly 97% of the water on Earth is salt water, which, as you know, is not suitable for drinking. Out of the 3% of fresh water on our planet, 2% is locked in icecaps and glaciers, leaving a minuscule 1% available for drinking.

Second to air, water is the most essential element required to sustain life on our planet –  and fresh clean water is a limited resource. This is a fact that many of us don’t understand or fail to acknowledge. But since each of us depends on water to survive, it’s our responsibility to utilize our scarce water supply in a responsible manner. We use water every day of our lives and we need it for almost everything that we do, so water conservation should be a priority for each and every one of us.

We must learn how to keep our water pure and away from pollution for future generations. In this post, we’ll identify some of the top reasons why water conservation is so important and also, identify some simple ways you can conserve water throughout your home.

Why Save Water?

  • We need water for almost everything that we do. For example:
      • Drinking – Without water, we would perish within a few days
      • Cooking – Water is a significant component in cooking food. When you think about it, water is needed to prepare the majority of meals.
      • Showering / Bathing – We require water to shower/bathe in order to stay clean. Without water, we would be unable to do this. Being unhygienic doesn’t just emit bad odors from our body, but it also promotes the likelihood of disease.
      • Cleaning – As with maintaining good hygiene, maintaining a clean home promotes good health, and we use water to clean just about everything – from washing our dishes, utensils, and clothing,  to mopping the floor and cleaning our driveways and other outdoor spaces.
  • Without water, we would not be able to grow food
      • Fruits, vegetables, and other crops (such as the ones needed in order to feed livestock) must have water in order to grow. Without water, we wouldn’t be able to grow food and the human population would starve.
  • Healthy, freshwater is imperative in protecting our ecosystem and wildlife
      • As you know, we are not the only species on Earth that require water for survival. Every species on this planet needs water to live and survive. Without water, life on Earth would not be possible.
  • Saving water also saves energy
      • Pumping water from the central facility requires a lot of energy. Because reducing your water consumption reduces the amount of energy required to process it and deliver it to you, water conservation helps save energy and also reduce pollution.
  • Water conservation helps minimize the devastating effects of droughts 
    • Even though water eventually returns to Earth through the water cycle, it’s not always returned to the same location, or in the same quantity and quality. By reducing the amount of water we use, we can better protect against future drought years.
  1. Being water smart makes water available for other (“recreational”) purposes  
    • We’re not just talking about swimming pools, spas, and golf courses. Much of our freshwater resources are also used for beautifying our communities—watering lawns, trees, flowers, and gardens.

As you’ve hopefully learned by now, with growing population rates and such a small percentage of fresh water on Earth, it’s imperative that we use our water supply wisely. You can start by correcting wasteful habits, then tackle the home improvements with these water conservation tips.

How Can I Use Less Water?

Here are some ideas on how you can reduce the amount of water that you use throughout your home:

In the kitchen:

  • Run your dishwasher only when it’s fully loaded
  • When you wash your dishes by hand, fill one side with soap and water for washing, and the other with fresh water for rinsing
  • When you wash fresh produce, re-use the same water for your household plants rather than filling up a watering can
  • Start a compost pile instead of relying on your garbage disposal
  • Boil food in as little water as possible

In the bathroom:

  • Fix leaky faucets and running toilets
  • Take showers instead of baths
  • Take shorter showers
  • Consider installing a low-flow showerhead and toilet
  • Turn off faucets when you’re washing your face, brushing your teeth, or shaving

In the laundry room:

  • Only run the washer with a full load and use the shortest cycle for lightly soiled clothing
  • Wash your clothing less – this won’t just help save energy, but it will also keep extending the life of your jeans


  • Install a smart sprinkler that can read weather patterns and help you water only when necessary
  • Time your gardening by watering outdoor plants early in the morning or at the end of the day to stop the water immediately evaporating. Be sure to water the soil so that the liquid goes straight into the roots
  • Use a rain barrel to harvest rainwater from gutters to use for gardens and lawns
  • When landscaping, use drought-tolerant plants and plants native to your climate that require minimal watering
  • Place a layer of mulch around your plants to help prevent water from evaporating and ensure that water gets down to the roots

Other ideas:

  • Consider replacing outdated appliances such as dishwashers and washing machines with energy-efficient Energy Star models
  • Insulate your water pipes to get hot water faster and avoid wasting water while it heats up

Being water smart one of the many ways to save energy throughout your home, and it is also undoubtedly an important component to living more sustainably. As a company, we’re dedicated to encouraging our customers to consider the planet in their daily choices. That’s why we offer innovative energy products and maintain regular communications with them (through our blog, social media channels, newsletters, and press releases); offering green-living tips, weather-readiness tips, industry news, and more. Click here to learn more about Kiwi Energy, and be sure to stay tuned on our blog!